Activity: Timothy Fellowship BBQ Party
Venue : Joel's House
Date : 13 July 2019, 7pm
This is my second time throwing a BBQ party with youth. However, it is slightly different this time. This time, there are more teens joining us, including a few of them who were stepping into their teenage. Some brothers and sisters brought some good food; some of them helped to start the fire on the BBQ pit, while the rest of us helped out in the kitchen, doing the "chopping, washing and grilling".

Good cheers filled the air. After saying grace, everyone was ready to eat. Pastor Daphne distributed the fried noodles to everyone, while Joel and Joash took turn to grill the chickens. After dinner, we went into the living room and played some fun games prepared by Audrey. It was challenging! Before the games, we broke the ice by introducing ourselves to get to know each other better.
A big thank-you to Uncle Peter and Aunty Joyce for opening their house willingly to host this party. Without their generosity and hospitality, we wouldn't be able to meet so many new friends and to spend such a great time together. Thanks to Joel for organizing the whole party, to Audrey for preparing the games, and to those who came to share our joy. I am particularly happy to see our Brother Joash, who seized the opportunity to share the good news to our new friends, to those who hear with their ears and understand with their hearts.
Click link to see photo album:
Written by Sis. Goh Jun Yan
17 July 2019