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Project 119: Walking in Love

Writer's picture: AdminAdmin

Monday, April 15 | Ephesians 5:1-21 | Stephen Fryrear

My wife Carleigh and I have been doing a lot of work around the house lately. Becoming a first-time homeowner has forced me to become “almost handy.” I have replaced fans, light fixtures, and way too many electrical switches and plugs over these last few weeks. The projects are easy; the most difficult part is just being in the dark. I almost died one evening (yes, I was replacing a fan at night with the electricity cut off…it was really dark!) walking back to one of these dark rooms when I tripped over my tool bag! I forgot that I put it in the middle of the hallway.

It is dangerous to walk without light! That’s what Paul says in the passage we read today. He was encouraging the believers in Ephesus to be imitators of God. What stuck out to me is how often he used the word “walk.” Walking is an active term; believers shouldn’t be standing still waiting for Jesus’ return, but until He comes we should be actively spreading His glorious gospel. We share many same life experiences as our friends, family, and neighbors who don’t know Christ - we walk the same paths as them, but we should walk differently.

Walk in Love. Our lives should reflect the love of Christ “who gave himself up for us” and look different being marked by thanksgiving! Look around; the world is full of enough cynicism, anger, and hatred. “The will know we are Christians by our love, by our love…” - I can still hear my mom singing that song today.

Walk as Children of Light. Paul drills into us our new identity in Christ, we were “dead” but now “alive” - “…in which you once were” and here he says, “for at one time you were darkness, but now you are light in the Lord.” We don’t take part in activities in the dark anymore; we are children of the light!

Walk Wisely. The days are evil and dangerous so we have to be on guard - not with our wisdom but God’s wisdom from His word.

So let us walk wisely with eyes open, not in darkness but in His glorious light to love the world around us and point them to Jesus.


©2021 by Li Xin Baptist Church.




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