Thursday, April 25 | Philippians 2:12-18 | Courtney Trotter
How do you continue on after the magnificent Christ hymn of Philippians 2:6-11? By beginning with “therefore,” Paul shows that the awe-inspiring truths of the hymn are inextricably connected with practical commands that follow. The humility of Christ gives Christians a model for spiritual maturation. Paul begins by encouraging the Philippians who have always obeyed and then exhorts them to continue to do so. Likewise, we should take hold of our faith by doing these three things.
First, we should work out our faith with fear and trembling. Philippians 2:12 is often misunderstood to mean that Christians work to earn their salvation. Or that “God helps those who helps themselves” (which is, in fact, not in the Bible). Actually, Paul is stressing that they need to take responsibility for their spiritual welfare even if he is not with them. It is easy to show dedication in public, but it is altogether more challenging to remain faithful when no one is watching. Christians are called to a lifetime of obedience and discipline. It is indeed quite a process to grow into Christ- likeness.
Second, we should be shining witnesses in a spiritually dark world. Then, Paul tell us that, in order to shine, we must not complain. It seems odd that Paul would link these two together. Our speech, however, distinctly sets us apart. If our conversation is blameless and pure, it points to Christ who was the blameless and pure sacrifice for our sins. Instead of complaining we should be proclaiming the word of life.
Third, we should rejoice in sacrificial service. Just as Christ emptied himself, Paul is happy to shed his blood for the sake of the gospel. We should also be willing to imitate Paul’s example and give ourselves as a glad offering to the church in service.
May God rekindle a passion in us for day-to-day obedience. May our speech spill over with the words of life. And may we rejoice in service to one another.
