Monday, Mar 11 | Ephesians 1:1-10 | Hayden Walker
Today we begin a new epistle. Paul wrote this letter, as he was imprisoned in Rome, to the churches in Ephesus. Ephesus was an important city in the ancient world. A booming metropolis and seaport, Ephesus was a hub of activity, trade, and pluralism. Not only was it an important city to the Empire, but it was also a significant place to Paul. During his missionary journeys, he spent three years in Ephesus. This group of people was dear to him and he wanted them to be reminded of the truth of the gospel, which he had taught them. The letter clearly and concisely outlines the gospel and the implications it has on our everyday lives.
After a few introductory remarks, Paul bursts into praise, explaining that God is orchestrating unity of all things (Ephesians 1:10) through the redemption granted by Christ (Ephesians 1:7). This means that all will be made right, all will be restored because of Jesus. The redemption that His blood has purchased is the cause for this great praise. Nothing can stifle Paul, not even his imprisonment.
Are you as amazed by this redemption? I fear that we have lost some of the weight associated with the word “redemption.” We are beckoned to redeem airline miles or to redeem a voucher at a store. The word has been cheapened in our vocabulary so that perhaps we are no longer captivated and driven to praise when we hear that we have redemption in Christ.
Jesus redeemed us by His blood (Ephesians 1:7), a trade of immeasurable cost. By using the word redemption, Paul is likely drawing upon the Old Testament image of Israel being freed from slavery in Egypt. It is liberation language, freedom from bondage. If you are in Christ, you have been liberated because of the blood of Christ. You now belong to God. This redemption allows believers to live in unity with God. The theme of unity will continue to be explored in later chapters of Ephesians, but it all begins with God making a way, through Christ, for humanity live in unity with Himself. Praise be to God!
