Thursday, June 13 | Colossians 4:2-6 | Amy Jackson
Have you ever studied a cookbook recipe? Although I’m a novice, I love to cook. I always notice how each line of instructions begins with a verb. We see the same things here in Paul as he wraps up his letter! First, Paul commands the Colossians to “continue steadfastly in prayer” (Colossians 4:2). I like how he helps give us some guidance in what that means - kind of like a recipe! It’s one thing to tell people to pray, but sometimes we don’t know how to enter into prayer, or what we should even be praying for! First, Paul tells us we ought to “continue steadfastly” in prayer - to “pray continually” (1 Thessalonians 5:17). I think moments of concentrated daily prayer are vital - but Paul here is also reminding us that we should have prayer attitudes and be in constant communication with the Father. And, our prayerful attitudes should be “peppered” with thanksgiving!
Second, Paul also encourages believers to pray for him - for open doors for the gospel! One of the things that amazes me about Paul is that he prayed that the gospel would go forth - even if that meant danger! Paul recognizes that, while he is chained, the gospel remains unchained - in fact, because of persecution, the gospel goes into previously unreached places! Paul asks that the church continue to pray for him as he declares God’s word. I wonder if we pray this for each other? Do I pray for my friends and family to have opportunities to share the gospel? I pray for their safety and well-being - but perhaps we might challenge ourselves by praying for open doors for one another to share our faith.
Third, Paul reminds us of our role as believers in an unbelieving world, as he calls us to “walk in wisdom toward outsiders” (Colossians 4:5). Paul doesn’t encourage Christians to stay in a secluded group but pictures a world where believers interact with unbelievers and have opportunities for faithful witness through their work and community involvement. This is a challenge for me, because I spend a lot of time with Christians. Where am I investing with unbelievers? How am I walking in wisdom toward outsiders? Perhaps for you this is through your job - but perhaps it is also through building relationships with your neighbors or being involved in civic groups. Spend some time in prayer today asking that God would give you opportunities to share His love with those around you who do not believe - that He would help you to “walk in wisdom”!
