Wednesday, April 24 | Philippians 2:1-11 | Courtney Trotter
This passage is the heart of the letter as Paul describes how to be a servant leader, which was just as counter-cultural in his time as it is today. Leadership by society’s standards is so often a power struggle by those looking for recognition and using whatever means possible to end up on top. Our civic leaders are called public servants but so often they look out for their own interests, making sure they don’t lose their status, instead of being advocates for the people they represent. For me this style of leadership is clearly illustrated in the television show Shark Tank. The name says it all. If you are not ruthless, cutthroat, and a little bit arrogant you will never see success in this world. The humble will be eaten by the sharks out there.
People are also driven to serve for the wrong reasons, such as guilt, obligation, or pride. Even if we serve others out of a sense of compassion, that concern will eventually fade as our lives become filled with busyness or our own hardships. The Bible provides a radically different picture of service and leadership.
Our Lord Jesus Christ, the King and Leader of the whole world, came as a servant in humility, sacrificing Himself for others. It was His humility that led to His exaltation. This is the leadership that Paul calls us to imitate throughout the letter of Philippians. Only after we understand the character of God can we be committed to Him in service. We might be called to a difficult task and not see success in this life, but if we are faithful servants of the Faithful Servant we will be exalted with Christ in eternity. There must be a supernatural basis for our service; otherwise we will not endure the suffering, opposition, discouragement, and hardship that follow. Pray for the opportunity to serve others as Christ has served you.
