Thursday, Mar 21 | Ephesians 4:11-16 | Mary Splawn
In these six verses, Paul talks about how God has given apostles, prophets, evangelists, and pastor/ teachers to prepare the people of God for works of service. The goal of the work of those in Christian service is to build up the body of Christ, helping people to become unified in mission and mature in Christ.
To clarify, Paul gives a word picture of what a Christian without mission and maturity looks like. He or she is like an object in the sea tossed to and fro by the waves, blown by the wind here and there. This someone is all over the place, never grounded in mission, and easily distracted from the things of God! Ever been there? Some days I feel like I am this way - unable to concentrate on knowing Christ and making Him known because my mind is preoccupied with so many varied things! What is it that keeps you from focusing on Christ? Is it material pleasure? Is it an object that turns on and off? Is it worry over the thoughts of others? Is it hurt feelings? Is it need for approval or love? Is it lack of a plan for growing in faith? Is it just plain busyness? Ask the Lord to reveal areas of growth to you.
In Ephesians 4:16, Paul gives some encouragement to the immature - ”grow up.” Put it nicely, Paul! (That was a joke.) Paul urges believers to live worthy of the calling and he explains why in this verse. Using the image of a body, Paul says all parts need to be working properly so that the body can grow and flourish. If one part isn’t working, all suffer. And, to put it positively, if all systems are working effectively, awesome feats can be accomplished.
Ask the Lord to help you notice what distracts you today. Also, ask the Lord to help you think deeply about the metaphors of the object in the sea and the body as they relate to faith and mission of the church.
Lord, We do not want to be like bottles floating in the sea, tossed to and fro, rather, we want the Christian church to be like a working body, with every joint, ligament, organ, and system leading us in a manner worthy of our calling.
